
How the Logo_dolcevita_Line.png brand was born

In the 1970s Giancarlo Nannini of Modena marketed Italian components for the appliance gas market (cookers, barbecues, etc.) all over the world. He particularly worked with an Australian world leader in the manufacture of gas barbecues. During a trip to Australia, Giancarlo and his wife discovered and had a close-up experience with the Australian barbecue tradition, and fell so deeply in love with it that in 1981 they founded M2z, initially a company that only imported Australian barbecues. M2z later also became the manufacturer of a line of barbecues called Dolcevita.

Today M2z is called Dolcevita BBQ srl, and is headquartered in Piancamuno, in the province of Brescia. It continues to both collaborate with the Australian company and to make barbecues at its own plant. The new ownership still works with the founder Mr Nannini, to make use of his valuable advice, and the Dolcevita brand is recognised in Italy and abroad as excellence in the world of barbecues.

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