Quality and certification

Dolcevita BBQ produces reliable and safe barbecues thanks to a careful selection of suppliers and of all the materials used for their production.
They are tested one by one by company personnel, and all current UNI GAS standards are strictly observed. Dolcevita BBQ turns to internationally recognised certification authorities (e.g. CERTIGAZ) to have its products certified.

Dolcevita barbecues are certified logo-CE.png for use with LPG.

Food contact

Certification for food contact logo_Bicchiere.png: Today European regulations in the food industry are becoming more and more severe. It is important to be sure about the racks and griddles on which we are going to place the foods we eat! 
Dolcevita BBQ collaborates with the best specialised Italian institutions for certifying its racks and griddles, and also its entire line of accessories.

FSC certification: All wooden trolleys are FSC certified.

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